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Saturday, August 27, 2016

Complete India is loosing his Name & Reputation and etc.,!!!

Hello All Viewers,

Complete India is loosing his Name, Money, Reputation and Technology.

How means let me take example of "Amazon". See Amazon has many platform like E Commerce, Online work(Mturk), AWBS and etc., Usually there belongs to Amazon USA based company but they are present in All over the world and they earn income in india is 30 to 40% in India. When its comes to our turn they won't allow us work on their country as well as their online work also.

When it's come to our turn one Rule and when it's comes to their turn, there will be another Rule. For example Amazon is selling on India and our country is allowing and as well as supporting too but when comes "Amazon Mturk" they are banned India completely but we are simply leaving. But they won't take it easy and they fight until they win the game. Then why don't we like that and why we are not winning the game all the time.

As per verification, most of the technology development and intellectuals are present in India but no one trying to develop India. Simply they are going to foreign and serving for another country but not at all thinking about mother country.

Atleast now on we hope that the India is going to change. Before country changing youth should change because coming generation is depend on India.

Kindly atleast now on think about India, our mother country and we should develop our country like other countries. How they are moving and we should run faster than that and we should win the game.

Hope my post is going to change somewhat of people.

This post is to bring change in India and to encourage people to develop India.

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