Power bank

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Friend requests in facebook

Previously we don't have option of seeing sent friend requests but now we can see it. How i will show you below

Step: 1

Login for your facebook and go for find friends which is shown in below screen shot.

Step: 2

After that select view sent requests. Click on that it will open

Step: 3

You can view sent requests here

If you want to cancel the friend request means you can cancel it. You can do what ever you want.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Rules In Hyderabad

When anyone raises a word called "RULES".

People's dialogue is "Fools Follow Rules".  Obviously its becoming correct only because when we see traffic rules. Who are saying the rules and creating rules that person & people don't follow the rules. How can a common people will follow a rules and how can we try to follow rules.

First thing first who are creating the rules the person should follow the rules and then he should guide a managers and that manages will manage the rules properly without knowing anything and without doing anything how they can follow rules.

If the Govt is inventing rules means they should very aggressive to  learn new things and to manage new rules and to implement new rules. Then that will become useful.

Now, You know the people who are managing the people & Vehicles. That particular person's only not following the rules. How can a common people will show a interest to follow rules & regulations.

So i suggest when a new rules and regulations are implementing on peoples means the people manager should aware of entire rules and regulations. He should follow the rules. So that remaining people will show a interest to follow rules. Satheesh Bogaram